Thursday, June 27, 2013


In the great words of Peter Pan.  Here we gooooooooo!!!!!

Shane and I have decided to create a Disney blog for our family and friends who might need Disney advice or those who are looking for more information concerning Disney... We also just love talking about Disney period. Do we know everything about Disney?  Of course not. This blog isn't going to be from a know it all point of few, but rather from a family of 6 who adores Disney and has their own way of experiencing it .  Today's blog is a glimpse into our Disney exsistence and the setting of our Disney knowledge. It is am introduction to how we became the Disney fans we are today. 

Everyone has a "Disney Story" and to start this blog off right I think you all need to know ours.  It started back in June of 2010.  Our family walked into a Disney Park for the very first time.  We had never been before so everything was so magical and so beautiful.  Our first park as a family of 5 was Disneyland in California. Shane and I were 31 years old and our kids; Hannah 10, Gracie 6  and Hayden had just turned 2.  As soon as we pulled our rental van into the parking garage everywhere we looked was Disney Characters....Hayden was addicted to the show "Mickey Mouse Club House."  So, as we got out of the car and headed down to the tram all we heard from our little boy was, "OOOOH DAT DAT ICKEY MOU."

Over and over he said that because everywhere we turned or looked all we saw were mouse ears.   They were in the bushes, the flowers, the lamp posts, the street signs...EVERYWHERE!!!

As we walked in to the park it smelled so yummy and the aroma of cookies and popcorn filled the air...

Everything was so clean and spectacular...It was as if we stepped into heaven for just a moment....The kids were so happy and excited, but Shane and I were just as mesmerized by all the magic that surrounded us and the fun characters we got to meet along the way.

As we made our way down main street toward Sleeping Beauty's castle where Walt Disney himself once walked, we knew we were officially in love with a mouse and with a dream that a man created years ago. 

Making our way through the castle we had no idea that you could go inside to see and hear the story of Sleeping Beauty.

I will never forget the light in my children's eyes when we finally met that mouse for the first time.It was one of the sweetest moments of all time for me.

Another precious moment during our first visit was when the girls and I met 3 Disney Princesses for the first time.  It was a long wait and Gracie and I were so excited, but Hannah kept complaining about how long it was taking and she said that it was so dumb to meet a silly princess.  I was so upset because all I could think about was the simple fact we had possibly waited too long to take Hannah to Disney.  As we rounded the corner Hannah's eyes suddenly changed from despair to pure excitement...She began to cry and smile while saying, "Mommy, look its Ariel. Mommy she is so beautiful and look its Belle and Tiana. They are so pretty!   I was crying like a baby.  I know those princesses thought I was nuts, but I was so happy to see the joy in my sweet girls eyes and the pure magic of my little girls childhood that was illuminated in that moment.

Our faces lit up at the sight of our first Disney fireworks spectacular. 

Since that special and perfect June day in California 3 years ago we have become quite the Disney enthusiasts. Our family has been to a Disney Park 12 times in those 3 years.  

During one of those 12 visits we were able to take Shane's dad and mom to Disneyland in California..We got to see Shane's dad tear up as he walked into Disneyland...As a child he watched Walt Disney open the gates to that magical place and as a popee he got to walk hand in hand with his son and grandchildren into the place he had always dreamed of going. 

This past 2012 Christmas season at Walt Disney World we enjoyed making precious memories with 12 of our Stone family.  We told the family at WDW that our fourth child was a boy and even decided his name at WDW.  

During one of those first few visits our family of 5 at the time became Gold pass holders (annual pass holders in Florida and California) and joined the Disney vacation club.

 We also have invested in beautiful Disney art and paintings.  Here is a cabinet of some of our  Arribas crystals. 

Below is 3 of my favorite paintings we have purchased

Our house at Christmas looks like Disney exploded and some would even say that anytime you visit our home its like stepping into Disney.  2 out of the 3 trees in the house have over 50 Disney ornaments on them total. 

We have attended 3 Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party's

 We got to see Disneyland in California all decorated for Halloween and ride Haunted Mansion as the Nightmare before Christmas

Had so much fun at 2 Mickey's not so scary Halloween Party's in Magic Kingdom 

We got to enjoy Disney's California Adventure the week it opened Cars Land. 
 We loved seeing our first Disney's Glow with the Show event at Paradise Pier in Disney's California Adventure 

As you can see, we have had quiet the Disney adventure over the past 3 years.  That is how our Disney story began, but it is surely not finished.

Disney Baby Pointers

Having little ones at Disney is so much fun and exciting, especially if its their first time.  However it can also be stressful and nerve racking when you are trying to find a spot to feed, change or soothe your baby.  Since having this little bundle of joy our Disney trips are going to be filled, yet again with stops at the baby centers in each park.  3 years ago I was doing this very same thing except I was frantically  hunting these spots out for peace and quite.  Since I have been in this situation a few times at Disney I have developed a few tricks to making our days stress free and more fun for everyone.  First off here is a great link to a blog that will help you get to know the baby care centers in each park. 

 Here are my pointers for those Disney guests with babies...

1. Leave your big bulky Diaper bag at home and purchase a diaper backpack for your days at the park and for traveling...Below is my "Diaper Backpack" made by Skip Hop.  There are many other brands, but I loved this particular brand the best because it was smaller yet could hold a ton of items needed for our family.  What I love about it is that it is big enough to hold diapers, wipes, bottles, extra clothes, my keys and wallet and even has room for some of the older kids small items.  It also hangs perfectly on the back of the stroller...Its sealed shut when you aren't using it to keep thieves out and your stuff safe and dry inside.  Diaper backpacks are perfect for Disney dads as well who change their Disney babies. When changing the baby everything needed to change him/her is so easy to get to and easy to put back. Its easy to throw on your back when getting off and on rides and doesn't take up a lot of room. Its a must for a Disney guest with babies.  Every mom and dad should have one of these if you travel a lot with baby. 

2. Bring a Bottle Cooler.  Especially for those hot days...Any time at Disney is going to be warm.. Some days might not be as warm as others, but for the most part its warm. So, this is very important if you are bottle feeding your baby or even totting  around baby food. I have this Munchkin Bottle cooler.  Its very small but can hold up to four 8 oz bottles. AWESOME. I kept the baby water in the bottles cool and all I have to do is add the powder and my little G gets his nourishment and he is kept cool in the almost 100 degree heat.  
3. Stroller Fan...If you attend the park during the summer months this is a must, but even other times of the year it still gets toasty in WDW, so strapping one of these suckers onto the stroller will get your baby just enough cool breeze to keep him/her comfortable.  This fan below is the one I have. It is a Kel Gar Pin Wheel...Out of all of the stroller fans I tested. This one had the best air flow and was the safetest against hurting little fingers. 
4. Stroller Rain Guard...This was a must especially when we attended star wars weekend during the first part of June.  Anytime in Florida its a good idea to have this rain guard to keep your baby dry. 
Also, don't forget to bring your poncho's for the entire family each day....Florida is unpredictable when it comes to the weather and down pours. This allows you to keep going in the pouring rain while your baby stays dry....No one has time to stop and find shelter with your baby and often times there isn't any shelter because everyone else has taken up those spots....You don't want to be stuck for hours until the storm or rain passes so this will keep you on the go and keep your little one dry. 
5. Baby Carrier. I believe its a must because baby can ride all rides that have no height requirement and that is a good many rides.  So this carrier makes me feel safe with baby on those fun and stimulating adventures! :)  I choose the Baby Bjorn...This lightweight, grey breathable mesh carrier is not only great for mom's but dad's too.  It keeps the baby and you cool by allowing air flow through the mesh keeping parent and baby comfortable and safe. Its one of the easiest carriers to put on. I adore this thing... I love it so much that a few times we ditched the stroller back at the resort and just used our mesh carrier and our diaper backpack in the parks..Its a plus if your baby enjoys being in a carrier and can also nap in it....

6. Get a Map.  After visiting Disney Parks many times over the past 3 years I no longer need a map for any of them. However, its always important as a family with children and babies to always know where the bathrooms are and where the baby center is located.  It is very important to know where you are going and be familiar with your surroundings...If you are freaking out because you can't find a restroom or a cool quite place to take your baby than everyone in your family is going to be stressed out along with you and no one will have fun.  Below is a link to a great blog that talk about Disney's baby care centers and what is available at each one...This is so helpful and such a blessing if you need a break from the Crazy Disney that is out in the park.  Here is that link again from the blog about the baby care centers at the Disney parks. 

Below are images of maps from Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studio's, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Disneyland California and Disney's California Adventure. Use them then take them home as souvenirs 

7.  Plan, Plan, Plan....If you don't plan out your days and organize your trip you will be so stressed especially with little ones in your group...Its so important with little ones to plan ahead....It would be great if we could just walk into the parks without a plan or schedule, but unfortunately that is not an option unless you want to have a family melt down within an hour or so.  Pick an adult in your family that is the planner and go ahead and plan out the parks you will visit, the places you will eat and the breaks you will take.  Decide ahead of time if you are going to see fireworks and where you are going to see them and if you are going to watch a parade...That way you can find a spot early enough to be at peace and not feel rushed and bothered...PLAN PLAN PLAN...I can't stress that enough.  

side note:  Christmas Party and Halloween Party events are also events that you must PLAN ahead...Most people think just because they paid extra for these events that everything is planned out for you...UH NOT!!!!...These events are fun, but before entering you need to know what will be do the research. We will blog about these party's soon to give you an idea of what to expect.